Tuesday 31 July 2012

Facebook shares fall as it reports $157m loss

The results were slightly ahead of analysts' expectations. Second quarter revenues rose 32% to $1.18bn (£751m) and it reported a $157m loss.

But concerns remain Facebook is yet to work out how to make money from people using the site on mobile devices.

The loss was due to having to make payments to early investors, including chief

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India's power grid crisis deepens

A massive power breakdown has hit India for a second day running, leaving more than half the country without power.
Officials said the northern and eastern grids had both collapsed. All Delhi metro services have been halted and staff are trying to evacuate trains.

Monday's power failure caused severe disruption and travel chaos across

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Imaginar Creating Photorealistic Illustration that can be Implemented by any Company


Press Release Submitted By Imaginar.co.uk

An illustration is the explanation in the form of painting,
photograph, sketch, computer generated imagery or any other art work,
which is created to enlighten or dictate sensual information from a
poem, essay, newspaper article or a story. Traditionally

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How to ensure the success of a cross-border M&A translation


Press Release Submitted By Merrillbrink.com

In the wake of the global economic crisis, cross-border mergers and
acquisitions have become an important source of growth for businesses
based in the West. However, these types of deals present unique
challenges in terms of language and cultural barriers.

Businesses in

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Monday 30 July 2012

Q&A on why seats at Olympic venues are empty

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] Cropped transparent version of Image:Olympic flag.svg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

Seats have been left empty at the Olympic Games despite high demand when tickets were sold through a public ballot. Some are becoming available to buy or take up. Why? And how to get them?

Why are there

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Syria conflict: UN says 200,000 have fled Aleppo battle

Some 200,000 people have fled intense fighting in Syria's second city Aleppo in the past two days, the UN has said.
UN humanitarian chief Baroness Valerie Amos said others were trapped in the city and needed urgent help.

Government forces launched a ground assault on Saturday after a week of sporadic shelling and sorties by fighter

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The M1 Abrams: The Army tank that could not be stopped

By Aaron Mehta and Lydia Mulvany
Center for Public Integrity

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] English: M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK demonstrating Mounted Soldier System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

The M1 Abrams tank has survived the Cold War, two conflicts in Iraq and a decade of war in Afghanistan. No wonder – it weighs as

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Thursday 26 July 2012

Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson 'flees Germany'

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] English: Paul Watson at anti-whaling rally in Port Angeles, 1999. The occasion was to protest the Makah whaling. (Note: This image is a crop of the larger image. If another editor feels another crop ratio is preferable, one may be made.) Licensing: Category:Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (Photo

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Hunter gatherer clue to obesity

The idea that exercise is more important than diet in the fight against obesity has been contradicted by new research.
A study of the Hadza tribe, who still exist as hunter gatherers, suggests the amount of calories we need is a fixed human characteristic.

This suggests Westerners are growing obese through over-eating rather than having

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Should you buy a foreclosure?

Michael Barton was just 19 when he bought his first foreclosure four years ago for $37,000. The Lincoln, Neb., resident said he realized he could pay less on a mortgage than he was spending to rent a six-bedroom house with his brother and three other people.

"I was paying $350 a month in rent and knew there were houses out there that would

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5 Secrets to a Happy Marriage: Revealed by Divorce

In 25 years of studying marriage, Dr. Terri Orbuch, research professor at the University of Michigan and author of the new book "Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship," has found that some of the best relationship advice comes from people who are actually divorced.

In 1986, Orbuch embarked on a long-term study,

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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Fighting intensifies in Syria's Aleppo

Troop reinforcements reportedly sent to country's commercial capital in bid to reclaim areas held by rebels.

Violence is raging in Syria's second city Aleppo for the sixth consecutive day as regular troops battle rebel forces, opposition activists say.

Clashes were reported in the central al-Jamaliya neighbourhood on Wednesday, close to

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Boy, 11, boards plane to Italy at Manchester Airport without passport

An 11-year-old boy boarded a plane from Manchester to Rome on his own without a passport, tickets or boarding pass.

The boy got through a security screen by mingling with families going through Terminal 1 on Tuesday afternoon.

He was discovered while the Jet2 plane was in mid-air after passengers became suspicious.

A Manchester Airport

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Apple misses forecasts despite big iPad sales

LAS VEGAS (CNNMoney) -- Apple reported sales Tuesday that rose nearly 24% from a year ago and a profit that soared 21%. In case you were wondering, that's what a bad quarter for Apple looks like.

Apple's revenue, earnings per share and iPhone sales in its fiscal third quarter badly missed Wall Street analysts' forecasts.

The world's most

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Record Greenland Ice Melt Happened in Days

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] English: Arctic temperatures from Satellite Data 1981-2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
Greenland ice, it seems, can vanish in a flash, with new satellite images showing that over just a few days this month nearly all of the veneer of surface ice atop the island's massive ice sheet had

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Tuesday 24 July 2012

Syria crisis: Fighting in Aleppo amid rebel offensive

Fierce fighting is taking place in Syria's second city, Aleppo, say reports, as rebel fighters try to take control from the army.
Pro-government troops are bombarding the city with shells and rocket fire, and there are reports that helicopter gunships are being used.

Activists say at least 33 people have been killed across the country on

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Pharmaceutical Drugs are 62,000 Times More Likely to Kill You than Supplements

The UK-based, international campaign group, the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl) recently revealed data showing that compared to supplements, an individual is:

Around 900 times more likely to die from food poisoning
Nearly 300,000 times more likely to die from a preventable medical injury during a UK hospital stay, which

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Phone hacking: Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson face charges

Eight people, including Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, will face a total of 19 charges relating to phone hacking, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.
The two ex-News of the World editors will be charged in connection with the accessing of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler's phone messages.

They are among seven of the paper's former

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Monday 23 July 2012

Mitt Romney's other tax secret

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- It has become clear that Mitt Romney does not want to release any additional tax returns.

But that's not the only tax issue the presumptive nominee has been reluctant to talk about. He has been equally quiet on a policy question that could have a direct impact on the amount of taxes paid by millions of

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Why Did the Wall Street Journal Bury the Merck Fraud Story?

It was big news when court documents were unsealed revealing a whistleblower lawsuit accusing drug giant Merck of fraud and lying about the true efficacy of its mumps vaccine. Just about every media, large and small, picked it up and the world was abuzz about the hundreds of millions of dollars the lawsuit claimed Merck had defrauded from

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US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

WASHINGTON (AP) — The ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.
Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections.
The Associated Press

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Friday 20 July 2012

Hezbollah Is Blamed for Attack on Israeli Tourists in Bulgaria

BURGAS, Bulgaria — American officials on Thursday identified the suicide bomber responsible for a deadly attack on Israeli vacationers here as a member of a Hezbollah cell that was operating in Bulgaria and looking for such targets, corroborating Israel’s assertions and making the bombing a new source of tension with Iran.

One senior

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Republicans line up to rip Michele Bachmann

They were long afraid to do it, but now conservatives have their knives out for Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Senators in her own party, congressional candidates, a lawmaker in her state’s delegation and leaders of the House Republican Conference are all lambasting the Minnesota Republican for saying the wife of former Rep.

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14 dead, 50 wounded in shooting at Colorado theater, police chief says

A heavily armed gunman killed at least 14 people and wounded 50 more during an early Friday morning screening of the new Batman movie at an Aurora, Colorado, theater, police Chief Dan Oates told reporters.

Police arrested a man believed to be the shooter in a rear parking lot of the theater, Frank Fania, a police spokesman, told CNN. The

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Thursday 19 July 2012

Nestle blames biofuels for high food prices

The head of the world's largest food producer believes high prices are due to the growing of crops for biofuels.
"The time of cheap food prices is over," says Nestle chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe.

He is highly critical of the rise in the production of bio-diesel, saying this puts pressure on food supplies by using land and water that would

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Iceberg breaks off from Greenland's Petermann Glacier

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240"] Ice Island Calves off Petermann Glacier (Photo credit: NASA Goddard Photo and Video)[/caption]

An iceberg twice the size of Manhattan has broken away from the Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland.
Images from a Nasa satellite show the island breaking off a tongue of ice that extends at the end

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This Life-Saving Mineral Found to Actually Increase Senility in Many

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"] English: PET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer's disease (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

Iron is essential for virtually every life form, including humans, where it is a key part of various proteins and enzymes, involved in the transport of oxygen and the regulation of cell growth and

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Bombing suspect in attack that killed 7 on bus of Israeli tourists was carrying fake Michigan driver's license, Bulgaria says

SOFIA, Bulgaria – Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov says that a Michigan license carried by the suspected suicide attacker in the bombing of a bus carrying Israeli tourists was a fake.

The brazen daytime bombing killed seven people and injured dozens.

Tsvetan Tsvetanov said the suspected bomber appeared on security camera tape

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Wednesday 18 July 2012

Return of Debtors’ Prisons

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="160"] Ridiculous Fine (Photo credit: Auntie P)[/caption]

A tenet of the American legal system is that it treats the poor and rich alike. The Supreme Court made this clear in 1970, 1971 and 1983, ruling that it is fundamentally unfair and violates equal protection under the Constitution for a judge to

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Inactivity 'killing as many as smoking'

A lack of exercise is now causing as many deaths as smoking across the world, a study suggests.

The report, published in the Lancet to coincide with the build-up to the Olympics, estimates that about a third of adults are not doing enough physical activity, causing 5.3m deaths a year.


That equates to about one in 10

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Syria conflict: Senior officials die in 'suicide attack'

Syria's defence minister and his deputy, President Assad's brother-in-law, have died in a suspected suicide bombing at security headquarters in Damascus, state TV says.

Daoud Rajiha and Assef Shawkat were attending a meeting of senior officials at the time.


The national security chief and interior minister are said

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Tuesday 17 July 2012

Syria conflict: 'Fresh clashes rock Damascus'

Fighting is intensifying around the Syrian capital Damascus, activists say.
Shooting was reported in Baghdad Street, one of the city's main thoroughfares.

There were also reports of tanks in the south-western suburb of Midan, and clashes involving helicopters in the north and north-east of the city.

The fighting comes as UN-Arab League

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HSBC executives to apologise at US Senate hearing

HSBC will apologise to the US Senate after an investigation claimed that the bank was being used to launder dirty money around the world.
In a statement, Europe's largest bank, said it expected to be held accountable for what went wrong.

HSBC will appear before the Senate at 09:30 local time (13:30 GMT).

On Monday, a Senate report said

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Matrix Comsec Joins Forces with Vital Communications, Inc in distributing Matrix SIP Gateways, and IP enabled security systems with access control


Press Release Submitted By MatrixComSec.com

Matrix Comsec is a leading manufacturer of VoIP products such as IP-PBX, IP-Servers, and VoIP Gateways and IP-enabled security products such as access control and time and attendance systems. Matrix is appointing Vital Communications as a distributor for Matrix SETU VoIP

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Monday 16 July 2012

Apple u-turn as Mac maker rejoins EPEAT green registry

Apple has rejoined an environmental ratings scheme a week after quitting the programme.
The firm published a letter on its site saying it had realised the move had been "a mistake" after many of its customers had complained.

The u-turn follows an announcement by San Francisco city officials that they planned to ban local agencies from buying

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Syria conflict: West 'blackmailing' Russia on sanctions

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said Western attempts to get Moscow to discuss sanctions against Syria contain "elements of blackmail".

Mr Lavrov said the West had threatened to end a UN observer mission if Russia opposed its draft resolution.

Peace envoy Kofi Annan is due in Moscow, and is expected to urge Moscow to put more

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GlaxoSmithKline: GUILTY in Largest Health Fraud Settlement in US History

The British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has plead guilty and will pay $3 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability charges related to illegal drug marketing and withholding information about health hazards associated with its diabetes drug Avandia.

One of the biggest news stories relating to health right now is the

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Obama to business owners: 'You didn't build that'

President Obama, in a speech to supporters, suggested business owners owe their success to government investment in infrastructure and other projects -- saying “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”

Obama’s comment Friday during a campaign stop in Roanoke, Va., came just days after he urged Congress to extend tax cuts

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Friday 13 July 2012

Syria unrest: 'Massacre leaves 200 dead' in Tremseh

Some 200 people have been killed in an attack on the Syrian village of Tremseh, opposition activists say.
If confirmed, it would be the bloodiest single event in the Syrian conflict.

Residents said the village, in Hama province, was attacked with helicopter gunships and tanks, and later by the pro-government Shabiha militia, who carried out

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Obama Campaign Says Mitt Romney Is Either A Crook Or A Liar

Mitt Romney wants you to know that both of these things are true: 1. He was the “controlling person” in a number of Bain Capital investments between 1999 and 2002, when he left to work on the Salt Lake City Olympics. 2. He had no actual personal control over those investments during that time.

This is not a particularly comfortable

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Best Solutions for Websites, Blog Sites and Custom CMS with Webstralia’s WordPress Customization Services


Press Release Submitted ByWebstralia.com

WordPress is an open source, cross platform web software that is used
to build dynamic websites and blog sites. It is based on the most
reliable PHP & MySQL platform and features numerous plug-in
architectures and templates system. In addition to this, it is

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Thursday 12 July 2012

Muslim and Jewish groups denounce German circumcision ruling

European Jewish and Muslim groups have joined forces to defend circumcision for young boys on religious grounds after a German regional court ruled it amounted to bodily harm.
A joint statement says the practice is fundamental to their faiths and calls for it to be awarded legal protection.

The ruling by the Cologne court - also criticised

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Syrian ambassador to Iraq defects to opposition

Syria's ambassador to Iraq has defected to the opposition and urged other senior Syrian politicians and members of the military to do the same.
Nawaf Fares is the first senior Syrian diplomat to abandon the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Syria's foreign affairs ministry has responded by formally dismissing him from his post, Sana

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U.S. moving submersibles to Persian Gulf to oppose Iran



WASHINGTON — The Navy is rushing dozens of unmanned underwater craft to the Persian Gulf to help detect and destroy mines in a major military buildup aimed at preventing Iran from closing the strategic Strait of Hormuz in the event of a crisis, U.S. officials said.


The tiny SeaFox submersibles each carry an

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Rising costs push California cities to fiscal brink

Throughout the state, local governments are slashing services to avoid bankruptcy. For some, it's too late.
Facing the same financial stressors that pushed San Bernardino toward bankruptcy, cities across California are slashing day-to-day services and taking other drastic actions to skirt a similar fiscal collapse.

For some, it may not be

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Wednesday 11 July 2012

Ivory Coast prepares for showdown as Ouattara's men mass north of Abidjan


(The Guardian)(Free-Pr-Online.com)Four days of fighting have stopped Ouattara supporters' rapid advance and prompted UN to evacuate civilian staff

The UN has evacuated civilian staff from its base in Ivory Coast as thousands of rebel troops gather outside Abidjan for what looks set to be a bloody final

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Greed: The Spreading Scourge of Corporate Corruption

Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the Libor scandal is how familiar it seems. Sure, for some of the world’s leading banks to try to manipulate one of the most important interest rates in contemporary finance is clearly egregious. But is that worse than packaging billions of dollars worth of dubious mortgages into a bond and having it

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Rate Scandal Stirs Scramble for Damages

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="166"] Barclays (Photo credit: bbodien)[/caption]

As unemployment climbed and tax revenue fell, the city of Baltimore laid off employees and cut services in the midst of the financial crisis. Its leaders now say the city’s troubles were aggravated by bankers’ manipulation of a key interest rate linked

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25 (more) awesome iPhone tips and tricks

What's the only thing better than 25 ways to master your iPhone? 25 more.

In case you missed our first round-up of 25 assorted iPhone tips and tricks, be sure to read these simple ways you can get more out of your smartphone investment.

In the first post we covered everything from how to dry out a wet iPhone and fixing those dang

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Agile Data Warehouse, ETL Design and ‘Big Data’ Training Courses


Press Release Submitted Casertaconcepts.com

Join us for our new Agile Data Warehouse, ETL Design and ‘Big
Data’ training courses this Fall in New York, NY.

• Agile Data Warehousing and Design, Sept 24-25 (2 days)

• ETL Architecture and Design, Sept 26-27 (2 days),

• Big Data Design from the ground

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Tuesday 10 July 2012

Why Turkey won't go to war with Syria

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="225"] English: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has yet to understand the new deal struck between Russia and the US.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan never saw it coming.

He knew he was in trouble when

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Empathy: The Secret Sauce to a Happy Marriage

by Julie Hanks, LCSW, for Sharecare

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="160"] Emotion (Photo credit: rexquisite)[/caption]

Are you empathetic? Is your partner? It might be the secret to a happier marriage. According to a recent study from Harvard University, being able to accurately read a partner's emotions--and believing that your

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YouTube forgoes Views to earn engagement and happy advertisers


Press Release Submitted By Retailbizmd.com

Google bought YouTube as one of its most expensive buy and the
industry analysts had everything against Google to have made that
purchase. But today most them would understand and applaud the
foresightedness of this ecommerce search engine optimization giant.

YouTube of

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Impowersoft improves Aspire with customer input


Press Release Submitted By Impowersoft.com

Impowersoft has created the Aspire insurance agency management system
to help insurance agencies improve their efficiency and performance.
The comprehensive insurance agent software has many features that help
improve how insurance agents complete their tasks and handle

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Monday 9 July 2012

US record heatwave leaves dozens dead

At least 42 people have died in a heatwave that has brought soaring temperatures to a dozen US states from the Midwest to the East Coast.
Crops shrivelled and roads and railway lines buckled in the heat.

Hundreds of records fell across the affected area on Friday and Saturday, but the heat was expected to ease slightly on Sunday.


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Gina Rinehart: The world's 'richest woman'

The richest woman in the world, according to a respected business magazine, is not Oprah Winfrey, Queen Elizabeth II or L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. It's a relatively unknown Australian mining magnate. So who exactly is Gina Rinehart?
Asked once to sum up her concept of beauty, Gina Rinehart did not point to the pearls that so often

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How To Determine Unfinished Leather Boots From Finished Leather Boots With The Use Of A Boot Cleaner


Press Release Submitted By Warpala.com.au






What (Free-Pr-Online.com) kind of leather are the boots you are wearing made out of?
Unfinished or finished leather? A leather that is finished is a
woman’s footwear collection’s most typical component. Leathers

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Personal-emergencyloans.co.uk Online Services Maintains a Transparency in Payday Business


Press Release Submitted By Personal-emergencyloans.co.uk




With (Free-Pr-Online.com) the recent acceptance by the consumer finance trade associations

in making a responsible lending to the payday borrowers, the low
income groups in the UK have sensed a sign of relief. The

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Saturday 7 July 2012

California high-speed rail wins approval

California lawmakers have approved financing for a bullet train that would eventually become part of the first dedicated high-speed line in the US.
In a 21-16 vote, the Senate approved a 130 mile (209km) stretch, part of a larger line proposed to run from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Critics say the train is an wasteful expense, while

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Are We Being Set Up for Another Fabricated Pandemic Like the Swine Flu?

By Dr. Mercola

A number of articles underscoring problems within the vaccine industry have recently circulated in the news.

While the fear of a mutated virus turning into a pandemic is flouted virtually every year to some degree, perhaps a greater concern is the potential for an engineered bioweapon somehow escaping the confines of our

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Friday 6 July 2012

'Top Syrian defector' Manaf Tlas heads for Paris

A Syrian general from a powerful family close to President Bashar al-Assad has defected and is on his way to Paris, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has said.
Mr Fabius said this showed Mr Assad's entourage was beginning to realise the regime was unsustainable.

Brig Gen Manaf Tlas fled Syria via Turkey, his family confirmed.


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Believing These Persistent Fitness Myths Can Sabotage Your Success

By Dr. Mercola

There is no shortage of misinformation when it comes to diet and exercise. The fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar business based on selling you one piece of equipment or another, one supplement or another, constantly bombarding you with images of "the perfect body" if you will only do this or that.


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Japan to go broke by October? Standoff threatens to 'collapse' budget

By Reuters

The deficit financing bill, which would allow the government to sell bonds needed to fund almost half of the budget, has languished in parliament as the ruling Democratic Party tussles with opposition parties that can use their control of the upper house to reject legislation.TOKYO - Japan's government could run out of money by

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Press Release Submitted By Grandgeneva.com

LAKE GENEVA, WI (July 02, 2012) — Celebrate our nation's birthday
this Fourth of July at the AAA Four-Diamond Grand Geneva Resort & Spa!
Grand Geneva and its sister-property Timber Ridge Lodge & Waterpark
will host a three-day festival in honor of all things red,

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Home Alarms Security System


Press Release Submitted By Homealarmssecuritysystem.com




In (Free-Pr-Online.com) the present scenario in the USA, homes, commercial complexes,
governmental, non-governmental, and Corporates do require greater care
and concern to security system. Customers also find wireless home

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Thursday 5 July 2012

M6 Toll Megabus coach stopped by armed police

Armed police swooped on a coach on the M6 Toll motorway in the West Midlands.

A police source told BBC Radio WM a passenger was seen pouring a liquid into a box, which then started smoking.

The 48 passengers on the Megabus Preston to London service were led off the coach and forced to sit apart in a cordon on the opposite

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Japan panel: Fukushima nuclear disaster 'man-made'

The crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant was "a profoundly man-made disaster", a Japanese parliamentary panel has said in a report.
The disaster "could and should have been foreseen and prevented" and its effects "mitigated by a more effective human response", it said.

The report catalogued serious deficiencies in both the government and

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Malware may knock thousands off Internet on Monday

WASHINGTON (AP) — The warnings about the Internet problem have been splashed across Facebook and Google. Internet service providers have sent notices, and the FBI set up a special website.
But tens of thousands of Americans may still lose their Internet service Monday unless they do a quick check of their computers for malware that

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Winjit EBS iNotify – The moment when Oracle weds Mobility


Press Release Submitted By Winjit.net

Continuing with its pursuit of excellence in Enterprise Mobility,
Winjit Technologies has recently launched an entire new product Winjit
EBS iNotify. Enterprises using Oracle EBS can get a complete
notification solution onto their mobile phones. Be it iPhone/iPad,

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Snug-loans Is Marketing Fast, And Flexible Payday Loans in the USA


Press Release Submitted By Snug-loans.com

Snug-loans.com is a complete online payday loan solution provider to
customers living in the USA. We have opened our online service windows
to consumers in providing short-term cheaper loans at a low rate of
interest around the clock throughout the year. Our lending

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Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Lies You’re Told about Genetically Engineered Foods

The Atlantic recently reported on the findings of new research into the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically engineered foods.

The authors of the report GMO Myths and Truths took a science-based approach to evaluating the available research, and came to the conclusion that most of the scientific evidence regarding

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Report describes brutal torture in Syria

Istanbul (CNN) -- "Basat al reeh." "Dulab." "Falaqa." They are Arabic names for torture techniques that send chills through the hearts of Syrians, particularly the untold thousands who are believed to have been detained during the uprising of the last 15 months.

"We suffered torture all the time," said Tariq, an opposition activist from

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Adult incontinence products for men and woman


Press Release Submitted By Typefreediabetes.com

The term “adult incontinence products” sounds mysterious. In case
you didn’t know what these were – they are adult diapers and are
usually recommended for use when an adult suffers from some medical
condition that results or has resulted in loss of control over

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The Lies You’re Told about Genetically Engineered Foods

The Atlantici recently reported on the findings of new research into the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically engineered foods.

The authors of the report GMO Myths and Truthsii took a science-based approach to evaluating the available research, and came to the conclusion that most of the scientific evidence regarding

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24 Hour Yard Signs Launches New Business Strategy


Press Release Submitted By 24houryardsigns.com

A leading producer of all types of signs, 24 Hour Yard Signs launches its new business strategy.
A leading producer of all types of signs, 24 Hour Yard Signs launches its new business strategy. The company now offers “rush service" every day, on all their standard

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Monday 2 July 2012

20 Things You Shouldn’t Buy Used

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] Drowning safety children CPSC (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

I’m an avid garage sale shopper. Most of my furniture was bought used, and I’ve saved more than 50 percent off the cost of some pieces. But a few things I would never buy used – especially if they put my health or safety at

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'World News' Political Insights: Bain Attack Takes Toll on Romney, But Dems Worry About Money Race


President Obama's unhappy June came to a happy close - and he had more than the Supreme Court to thank for that.
The presidential race has been essentially tied for an uncommon length of time. No dynamic - not glum economic news, not a special election loss, not a series of off-message surrogates - has been able to shake that.

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Mexico's Enrique Pena Nieto 'wins' presidential poll

Mexico's old ruling party, the PRI, is set to return to power as early official results indicate its candidate Enrique Pena Nieto has won the presidential election.
Mr Pena Nieto, 45, is on about 37%, several points ahead of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who has not conceded.

Thousands of police were on duty for the vote, amid fears of

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PCAT – Pharmacy College Admission Test and PCAT Preparation


Press Release Submitted By Thepcat.com

If you have a vision then you need a plan and if your aim is to get
past the PCAT test then your plan needs to include the right tools for
task including the most important – the PCAT software.

Studying to become a pharmacologist is getting more difficult as
admission into

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Safe, Reliable and High Performance Website with PHP Development Services offered by Webstralia


Press Release Submitted By Webstralia.com

Websites are the place where people spent most of their time to seek
for a product or service or information that they require. To fulfill
these requirements, almost every company opts for the website
development. In addition to this, with the help of the website,

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